Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Looks like there is hope for the next four years?! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he does at least some of what he has promised. Not that I'm jaded, but I personally feel that all politicians lie through their teeth and don't really intend on following through with what they promised. BUT, I did vote for Obama and I'm pretty ectatic that he won, uh, by a LANDSLIDE! We also passed our Death with Dignity initiative, which I also voted for. Having a father that died from brain cancer not long ago, I feel pretty strongly that people with terminal diseases should have the right to pass on a little sooner, should they choose. Very contraversial topic.
So, here's to holding on for a few more months. Just make it through it (haha). And on January 20, 2009, you can bet you'll find me partying with my family (again!).