Monday, August 16, 2010

My mind's eye is still on the prize, but not much else at the present time... I moved a few months ago and put all of my "non-essential" things in storage. I thought it was only going to be for a short time, but alas, it has gotten away from me and I now find myself wanting to create things and not being able to get to the item needed to make them. Sad.
On a better note, my time has been taken up with travel, some short trips close to home, and one fabulous trip to Alberta, just south of Edmonton, to spend a week with my favorite cousin! As well as tending to my garden. Nothing beats yanking something up from the ground and eating it!! I even relish in the weeding and other tasks that are necessary, once I get my behind out there and do them. For the first time we have planted potatoes!!! I wasn't able to find any Yukon Gold starts by the time we decided to plant them, but I did get several Kennebec starts. YUM. I find myself wandering out to the garden and grabbing a potatoe just because I can. Sweetie says that I need to stop doing that unless we actually need a potatoe, but what has need ever had to do with want? It's just too much fun to stick your hand in a mountain of dirt and come out with a beautiful, delicious potatoe.
I have also re-discovered the wonderment that is tea. I found a neat little shop in the Edmonton Mall, and have since stopped drinking coffee all together and have been experimenting with all sorts of different blends. I think my obession that cannot be soap at the moment has gone to the tea effort. Much to sweetie's dismay... haha.