Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It's still winter...

It's been months, literally, and my excuses are lame, but between the holidays, the snow, and then moving I've been fairly distracted. I haven't made any soaps since mid November and I'm feeling very uncreative :(
I moved into a two bedroom place specifically to have a "studio" in my house, but since I haven't been able to wrangle my workbench down here, it's more like the junk room at this moment. I was just looking at some other blogs and the pictures of soap "porn" they've put up and it makes me want to run in my kitchen and throw everything off the counters just so I can make a loaf (or two).
So I guess after three months, that's about all I have to say... and yes, I was partying with my family on January 20th!

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