Wednesday, April 1, 2009

So, after nearly 6 months of being workshop-less, I have finally transformed by "junk room" into it's intended workshop status. Being me, I made two batches of soap today, and being the universe (and April Fools Day?), they both gave me grief! The first batch I went in with the intention of finally winning the salt bar battle...I used the regular amount of Coconut Oil, but I changed the second oil. I gave it several hours to set up, and then I went about my cutting it into bars, without really looking at it. Halfway into it, I realized it hadn't finished gelling in the center yet :( We'll see how that turns out!

My other loving creation was a test to see how a mainly Coconut Oil bath bar would work. Oh, and I used some Lanolin for the first time. I got it to a very thin trace, added the Coconut Milk, stirred a teensy bit then left the stick blender in there for just long enough to open my bottle of smellies. I poured in the fragrance oil and tried to stir some more. I couldn't even move the stick blender! I have NEVER had a batch seize so quickly! Luckily I just read yesterday that if that happens, to try pouring in some boiling water. Of course I didn't have any boiling water handy (mainly because I've only had... now 2... batches seize on me), so I used some scalding hot water from the tap. I'm not sure how its gonna turn out, but it definately looked much better than I could have hoped for if I had just stood there and cried (which I was about ready to do). So, I'm not sure what actually made it seize, seeing as how I badly broke the rules and not only used Lanolin for the first time, but also a fragrance oil that I have never used before, AND the extremely high percentage of Coconut Oil. So...... next time I may just do as I've been taught and change only ONE variable at a time.

Or not.


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