Sunday, September 21, 2008

End of Summer...

I guess it's the official end of summer today and the beginning of fall. Literally, it rained this weekend, and I find myself dodging falling leaves on the road (not quite used to them yet!).

We've been trying to wrap up all of our outdoor projects (the shed), get the lawn mowed, soak up a few more rays of daylight before we're cast in the eternally dismal gray/mist that is fall, winter, and spring in the Northwest. Not to complain, I love it here! I can't think of anywhere else I want to live (this being said coming out of a very nice summer).

Not much soaping lately, but I have been using my salt bars in the shower. They are pretty nifty little creations...I wonder who experimented with that concoction? Soon, sooooo soon, I will be back in the kitchen working on lovely creations for all those pre-holiday bazaars that are heading our way.

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