Thursday, September 4, 2008

New week, New day!

Absolutely worth all the traffic and people! Just to eat those freshly fried funnel cakes :) We wandered around all the booths, not much to see that really excited me...I bought a new link for my "charm watch", it says I love yorkies! We only stayed in Packwood for one night, then the rains came, so we packed up and off we went to Naches, and the WIND! But I guess it was better then the rain. It was fun though, to get out of town and relax with family.
No news on the soap front...I hurt my back pretty bad over the weekend, so I haven't been able to lift anything, bend over, walk straight...I LOVE getting older! But it's getting better and soon, sooooo soon I will be making more soapies! My mom found a handmade soap with fennel EO in it, and she's been raving about the smell. I'm not too sure I want to make some, but I think I do have some stashed in my, well, stash. So maybe just one batch??
My rebatched papaya soap is still pretty soft, maybe I added too much liquid? Not too sure it's worth the hassle? We'll see, for now maybe I'm just gonna stick with the ones I know...if only I could get my hands on some Wheat Germ Oil and Shea Butter! God what I wouldn't give to have a decent supply store in this town!AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH

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