Monday, October 6, 2008

iTunes = BIG Headache!

Because of the nice sister that I am, I volunteered to help my sis with her iPod updating. Apparently, her old music files have been deleted off her computer, and she didn't want to update her iPod for fear of losing the 185 songs she currently had on there. Soooooo, I thought, sure, easy fix (hahahaha). So I took a list of music she wanted back on her computer, came home, and began to download the songs, some of which I already had anyways. A few days and a lot of hours later, I had them ALL :) So, I burned a TON of cd's with all her precious songs, and proudly took them over to her house to download onto her iTunes. NOPE. No track info on ANY of the cd's. OK. FINE! So I burned all her "purchased" music and came home to put them on my computer. NOPE. Absolutely nothing on either cd. Not one single peep coming out of them...

In the meantime, my wailing to everyone who would listen yielded some pretty useful info! My dear friend told me to Google using your iPod as a hardrive and taking the music directly from it and copying the music files back onto a computer. Well, my first several attempts weren't super successful, but at least I've found the damn files and figured out (somewhat) how to open the iPod as a hardrive.

Oh, did I mention that she's going on vacation in two days and the whole point was for her to be able to take her newly updated iPod with her?! Needless to say, I finally checked my email today after 4 days, and maybe one day I will be able to actually enjoy my computer again.

No worries though, my iTunes is fine, just how I like it :)

What a joke, how can something so widely popular be such a pain in the ass if you step one centimeter off the beaten path?? NEVER GIVE UP! Off to Plan D!

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