Saturday, August 30, 2008

Yay for Labor Day!!!

Gotta love the chance to have an extra day off :) We are off to go camping near Packwood...if you can call hauling a trailer loaded with food, clothes, down comforter, and ALL the things two puppies could ever want for the weekend, camping!? Anyways, it should be fun, we haven't actually used it yet this year! There is a big annual flea market-ish thing that they have in Packwood, complete with food vendors and all those yummy things.
So, no new soap for the near future. Well, that's not the real reason, I had most of yesterday to do as I pleased, so it pleased me to nap and be lazy :) I made a second batch of Salt Bar's, which I will now refer to the devil's soap! I don't have much patience when it comes to most things, and so when my second carefully prepared and slightly tweaked batch crumbled when cut I got somewhat discouraged. My mom said "keep trying honey, you'll get it right", I said (what's the sound of sticking out your tongue?). Maybe I'll give it a few more goes, it didn't really crumble THAT badly, and the slivers that I tested seemed to be pretty cool....

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