Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It's that time of year... again...

You know, that time of year when you realize that the holidays are right around the corner, the nights get VERY chilly (well, for some of us), and we get to layer back on those comfy clothes (ok, so some of them shrunk in their boxes over the summer, how rude!). We just started our first fire tonite, but my toes are still kinda cold :( Sweetie told me to put on some socks, but I think we just need a hotter fire! (?)
I recently decided to branch out on my own (a very small twig, thank you), and found a WONDERFUL woman who is willing to share her massage room with me while I'm deciding if I really want to do this or not. So, I've built my website, ordered my business cards, updated my insurance provider info, and ? phew! THEN, Bazaar Season has snuck up behind me! So now, I've designed a wrapper for my soaps (then remembered that I'm missing some critical how to contact me?), inventoried my current soaps (oops!), and decided to make more, 'cause apparently I've gotten give-a-way happy these past few weeks. Then, I realized that I need a website, and after considerable consideration, I've decided to go my own way and not open an Etsy Shop. Now, I'm trying to build that and make a little pamphlet.
Ok, so I like being busy. But I find that I usually put stuff off and wonder why nothing is happening. Then one day... POOF! I get off my behind and feel a great and unending need to do EVERYTHING. Right NOW! haha
But in all fairness, I've been having a lot of fun making more soap. I even tried not gelling my soaps...I should've listened to those who've already "tried" and used Sodium Lactate from the get go. Oh well, it's not like the first coupla batches are ruined or anything.
I'll put up some pics in the next day or so. I just made a 2nd Apple Swirl and a pumpkin-y one (yet to be named) tonight.

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