Monday, August 18, 2008

Here I Go!

I am a blogging newbie... but I've recently been checking out several others due to my recent obsession with CP soaping, and my inevitable oopses.
So, I guess this is what I'm supposed to be doing? Writing about what's going on with my life... well, not a whole lot at this time, just trying to come up with the perfect recipe for soap, going to work, and attending all those end of summer BBQ's :)
I recently went on a month long road trip with my boyfriend. We left from Olympia, Wa and headed East to Niagra Falls (hence the header pic), then down the East Coast to Florida, West thru Texas, then up towards home again. It was an awesome adventure, we traveled close to 9000 miles, and we got to see more then some see in a lifetime in a month. But I am happy to be back at home, in my own environment close to my family and friends...

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