Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Left: Kitchen Koffee Bar, made with coffee grounds and coffee to help get rid of cooking related smellies; Right: Bath Time Bar, made with yogurt, almond, honey and oatmeal :); Center: Soymilk, with Chamomile, Lavender and Oatmeal...

Left: Yogurt Bar with French Green Clay; Top: Grapefruit Bar, made with Goats Milk, Grapefruit rind, with Copper Mica swirls; Bottom: Cardamom Spice Bar made with yogurt.

So, there you have it to date. Most of my pretty little soap friends that I've managed to not mess up :) I made a few more batches today, especially love the one with ground peppermint and rose, but I'll put those pics up when they are ready.....

I've been having a lot of fun creating these soaps, even the one's I've completely messed up! Such as the one I tried with a nice Merlot (turned out looking like head cheese), and the one I actually used a recipe I found online for a Banana Soap. EEEWWWW! I was gifted with a river of lye and banana mush when I cut it open. haha Since then, I've been cutting back on the food sources for my soap.

So off I go to attempt my first rebatch... I hope all turns out well, I scented it with Papaya and I REALLY want to use it :)

1 comment:

Amber said...

BEAUTIFUL soaps! I laughed out loud at the "river of lye and banana mush".

It's shaping up to be a fun and funny blog. I'll be checking back often. :)